Dott. Karl Peter Puszkajler

Consulente, già Giudice della Corte d'Appello di Monaco

Class action in Germania.

Class action e strumenti di tutela da danno da investimento
Career history
Latest public appointments (Bavarian Ministry of Justice, Germany, 1975 - 2011):
Judge (section president) - Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) Munich, appeals in general and in banking & financial disputes (2003– 2011)
Judge (section president) - Regional Court (Landgericht) Munich, national and international commercial and company cases (1994 - 2003)
Arbitrator (Chair) in >30 national and international, ad-hoc und institutional arbitrations
DIS–member (German Institution of Arbitration)
Arbitrator and Chairman in numerous commercial arbitrations, national and international, ad-hoc and institutional (1998 - present)
Main Areas of Practice
International Private Law and Procedure
Company law (inter-company disputes, director’s responsibility, M&A, asset valuation)
Commercial law (international sales, agency, supply of goods and services, construction)
Investor Protection (class actions), Finance and Banking
Criminal Law (also as background to tort litigation)
Since 2012: Counsellor in major Arbitrations and litigations (share holder claims, setting aside procedures (arbitration award), international bank loans)
Since 2012: Arbitrator in franchise and company law cases
Since 2012: IRZ-Projects in Kurdistan (enforcement procedures) and Tunisia (training for lawyers and judges)
2012 – 2017: Compliance work in Ethiopia (involving investigation in the UK)
Various articles on company, commercial and international private law
Co-author: Saenger/Inhester, GmbHG (Limited Liability Company)
Courses in EU and German company law et alia for judges and advocates in Russia, Latvia, Syria, Egypt and Tunisia (1999–present)
Private international law for graduate students, Court of Appeal, Munich (1986 - 2006)
Member of the board of examinations, 2nd grade law degree, Ministry of Justice, Munich (1994 - 2017)
Consultancy and project management
Consultant to the government of Rwanda (Prosecutor General), Rebuilding of the legal system, based in Kigali (GTZ, German Agency for Technical Cooperation), cooperation with other donor countries and UNDP (9/1995 - 6/1996, 6/1998, 12/2002)
Programme consultancy for the German Foundation for International Legal Co-operation (IRZ) in Kurdistan (2012- 2016)
Programme evaluation, judicial defenders' project in Kigali/ Rwanda (Danish Centre for Human Rights, Copenhagen) (8/1997, 12/1999)
Professional affiliations
International Bar Association (IBA)
Company Law Association, Germany (VGR)
German-Italian Law Association
Pro Bono
Compliance officer for the non-profit foundation Menschen für Menschen (integrated rural development in Ethiopia) till 05/2016
2nd grade law degree, Ministry of Justice, Munich (1975)
3-years of practical training (District Court, Regensburg; other government agencies; EU Legal Service, Brussels) (1972 - 1975)
1st grade law degree (honours), University of Regensburg, Germany (1972)
Gymnasium (Humanities), Jesuit College Stella Matutina, Feldkirch /Austria (1958 - 1966)
Primary school in Calcutta / India (1952 - 1958)