Ing. Moreno Resigotti
Studio Resigotti

Management of the building process.

Perspectives of the real estate sector
Degree in Civil Engineering (Ergotechnical Construction Sector) - 23.07.1982
Fire Prevention - requirements for the issue of fire resistance certifications (registered in the lists of the Ministry of the Interior referred to in art.16 paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 139/06)
Security: Requirements for Coordinator activities in the design and execution phase
Design of reinforced concrete and steel structures, Geotechnical design (foundations)
Seismic analysis of reinforced concrete buildings, existing buildings and seismic vulnerability
Static and technical-administrative testing
Safety (CSP-CSE)
Ergotechnical construction design and construction process management
Works management, specifications and contracts - Tender
Contract - joint and several liability control
Litigation assistance and reservations
Administrative Control (technical accounting)
1. Static and dynamic analysis of foundations
2. Experiments and checks on materials and structures with particular regard to masonry
3. Fire Prevention - certification requirements
4. Design of concrete structures in seismic zone
5. Requirements for security coordinator activities
6. Update of security coordinator activities Dlgs 81 / 2008
8. Update "UNI 1090 steel" aluminum and steel components
9. Update "Durable concrete requirements and installation
10. Update VF fire prevention "Periodic renewal of active protection systems sprinkler systems" _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d
11. VF Fire Prevention Update "Periodic renewal of active protection systems for detection systems" _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d
12. FEM modeling criteria and seismic design of building with ductile walls in reinforced concrete_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb58b-136bad5cf58d
13. Design of reinforced concrete buildings in seismic zone
14. Energy Certification Requirements pursuant to DGR VIII / 5773 Milan 2009 present in the register of energy certifiers at no. 10123
15. Fire prevention specialization course pursuant to article 5 DM 25.03.1985 - requirements for issuing fire resistance certifications _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_DM 16.02.2007 - registered negli lists of the Ministry of the Interior as per Law no. 818/1984 under no. I 21012
16. Fire resistant structures
17. Contaminated sites - reclamation
18. Static and anti-seismic consolidation of existing buildings
19. Present in the list of consultants of the province of Milan referred to in circ. 08/91 for the categories.: _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Cat. 6) Civil and industrial construction, building regulations, building recovery, planning of building processes. Cat. 22) Fire prevention and safety analysis Cat. 23) Structures in ordinary reinforced concrete and wood