MODULE 1 - FINANCE _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb589094-136bad5cde-3194-bb589094-136bad5ccc3 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 1_cc7819094-badd5-136bcc5_b58f5-3194bd5-136bcc5_ -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d5-136badc7-84d8-136badc7-84d_b

Class action and protection tools
from investment damage

Parte 1
The world financial system has shown its weaknesses too many times. In some cases, the fragility of the system was shown only to operators in the sector. In other cases, the news has taught us how a latent danger can be transformed into an event capable of overwhelming the public of savers, whether they are retail or institutional investors.
In the last two decades, financial cracks of extremely significant dimensions have occurred in Italy, with not only economic but also social impact. This has triggered the need for systematic interventions at the legislative level, which have influenced the entire European Union.
The investing public must necessarily have at their disposal effective tools to protect against fraudulent conduct, which manifest themselves in a more complex way the more stringent are the needs for effective and timely repressive measures.
Effective protection of savings can only start from knowledge of the risks deriving from the individual investment, from in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of each financial instrument, from a timely supervisory activity by the competent authorities.
The next step is marked by the need for speed in the intervention of the judiciary, both in the preventive and in the precautionary stage, but even more in the decision-making one.
The adoption of rapid procedures, which reconcile on the one hand the respect of the constitutionally guaranteed rights of defense, and on the other hand the rapid recovery of the damage, are fundamental in this context.
The conference will address these issues, and those relating to the quantification of damage; all from a comparative point of view between different systems, European and non-European.
Luca Baj lawyer
Jlc Law Firm, Centro Studi Jlc
The civil party in the criminal trial.
Avv. Cino Raffa Ugolini
Lègister Avvocati, Centro Studi Jlc
The class action in Italy.
Dr. Oliver Novick
Therium Litigation Fund
The development of litigation funding in southern Europe.
Federico Luppi
Diodà Law Firm
Relations between the civil party and the administrative manager.
Dr. Luca Minetto
Studio Chiaruttini & Associati
Quantitative damage analysis methods.
Dr. Cesare Massetti
Judge IV Section Civ. Court of Bergamo
"Diamonds": an open case.