Prof. Avv. Francesco Bochicchio
Bochicchio & Partners Law Firm

The hitherto unsolved nodes of the "class actions" in the civil process in relation to financial investment services.

Class action and investment damage protection tools
Prof. Avv. Francesco Bochicchio is a partner and co-founder of the Bochicchio & Partners Law Firm.
Adjunct Professor of Financial Market Law at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Parma, the lawyer Francesco Bochicchio specializes in all matters, judicial and extrajudicial, relating to the banking, financial and securities municipalities, individual management, placements, takeover bids and takeover bids, as well as securitization operations); in particular, Prof. Avv. Bochicchio deals with:
- management of the relationships of the Banks with the Supervisory Authorities;
- financial advisors (already in charge at national and general level to review the legislation and contracts of insurance and commercial advisors and agents);
- trust companies and problems relating to trusts and fiduciary registrations;
- all problems inherent to corporate profiles (with particular reference to listed companies, relations between corporate bodies and groups of companies and financial statements) and corporate transactions and acquisitions, both corporate and company branches;
- employment law profiles of the relationships of banks and financial intermediaries with their managers, bankers and financial consultants (with reference to both employees and trade union relations and atypical workers);
- the contractual relationships of banks and intermediaries with customers both out of court and in court;
- judicial and extrajudicial advice and assistance on OTC derivatives;
- problems inherent in the competitive sector
- Member of the Scientific Committee of EFPA Italia - European Financial Planning Association.