Dr. Angelo Galizzi
Studio CGLS - Carrara Galizzi Legramandi Seminati

Financial support
in the Corporate Crisis Code.

Innovation and conservation of company value
Angelo Galizzi, born in Bergamo on 09 December 1961 and resident there.
- Scientific high school diploma obtained at the scientific high school "Locatelli" of Alzano Lombardo (Bg).
- Degree in Economics and Business awarded with full marks on 12 November 1986 at the University of Bergamo._cc781905-5cde-319458-bb3b-136badd
- State exam for qualification to the profession of chartered accountant at the University of Bergamo - 1st session 1990 -.
- Enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants of Bergamo since 1992, he carries out his own profession with office in Bergamo - Passage of Canonici Lateranensi 12.
- Enrolled in the Register of Auditors: OJ 46 bis of 16.06.1995.
- Expert in Commercial Law at the University of Bergamo.
- He holds various positions on the appointment of the Court of Bergamo in the context of insolvency proceedings (starting from 1994), including:
Judicial Commissioner
- in 2012 appointment as CG of two companies belonging to a significant economic interest group, with total liabilities of over 100 million;
- in 2013 appointment as CG of companies with assets of over 23 million euros and liabilities of over 42 million euros;
- from 2017 to present appointment as GC in three procedures, one of which in direct continuity pursuant to art. 186 bis LF (February 2020);
Judicial Liquidator
- in 2014 appointment as judicial liquidator, following approval of a composition with creditors of a "mixed" nature, with assets realized for over 35 million euros and liabilities ascertained of over 75 million euros;
Bankruptcy trustee
- In 2015 assignment as trustee of a company with assets of over 20 million euros and liabilities of over 100 million euros;
Liquidator of performing companies upon judicial appointment
- In 2021 appointed by the Brescia Company Court as Judicial Liquidator of a joint stock company, pursuant to art 2487 co. 2nd cod. civ.
He has held and holds various positions as Attesting Professional in the Institutes aimed at resolving the business crisis, both in the context of certified recovery plans pursuant to art. 67 paragraph 3 lett. d) LF, both on the basis of admission to bankruptcy proceedings.
He has received several appointments by the Court as an expert in the field of acquisition / incorporation of companies pursuant to art. 2501 sexies paragraph 4.
He has held and holds various positions appointed by the Court in the context of appraisals, positions of voluntary jurisdiction and as sales delegate in the context of real estate enforcement procedures.
He has received professional assignments for the preparation of company appraisals and brand evaluation.
Speaker and promoter of conferences and seminars dedicated to corporate / insolvency law profiles and to negotiating solutions to the business crisis (sponsored by CNDCEC and Sole 24 ore).
Lecturer in the II level Master "Management of business crisis and restructuring processes" - University of Bergamo.
Former member of the local scientific editorial staff of “Il Fallimentarista”.
Author of publications and articles in specialized magazines and newspapers, including online (Il Fallimentarista - Italia Oggi - Crisis Law), with particular reference to loans to companies in crisis and the role of banks.
Member of the Commission “Crisis, restructuring and business reorganization” ODCEC of Bergamo, former President of the same.
Former member of the National Commission "Business crisis" of the CNDCEC, co-writer of the guidelines issued by the National Council of Chartered Accountants in the context of "Restructuring agreement with financial intermediaries and moratorium agreement" pursuant to art. 182 septies LF.
He holds statutory auditor functions in various joint-stock companies, with experience also in listed companies.
He performs the functions of arbitrator, as President of the college or as sole arbitrator, upon appointment of the Court and the Arbitration Chamber.