Guido Politi

Symptoms anticipating the crisis

Innovation and conservation of company value
MBA Consulting and Services srl is a consulting company for banking business, banking analysis and pre-litigation of banking law. He has managed over 1000 clients in nine years of activity, consolidating the commercial and consulting activities. Initially, the activity of is focused on the research and management of bank positions that could contain anomalies with identification of the same, drafting of appraisals and documents for out-of-court and judicial use.
Structuring of companies in the context of over-indebtedness in the first years of the consolidation of the law, a company still active today and which boasts one of the most unique experiences in the field of law 3/2012. Organizer and promoter of the first courses on the subject with the role of moderator in courses related to it also accredited by the order of accountants .
Thanks to the experience acquired, the MBA company then takes a position in the world of project management, business development and in the study of processes. He follows various clients both in the start-up and consolidation phases.
Acquires a particular specialization in the management of the corporate crisis and in the evaluation of corporate development.
MBA, as the official distributor of Infocamere, works with various foreign countries for the supply of chamber data and for the development of analysis models and among its customers in Italy and abroad.
The company also carries out the function of study and implementation of business processes for various subjects of the most diverse product sectors.
Creator, founder and promoter of the CtrlRisk project thanks to the experience gained in order to understand the business dynamics, structures the integrated consultancy that led to the establishment of Retina Srl _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_e of the Ctrl Risk software now owned by Cerved Group. Software among the first in the market to analyze the Bank of Italy's central risk office used by Confidi and primary banks on the national scene, then evolved thanks to the implementation of the first market APIs for the complete calculation of the score of the guarantee fund of the Middle Central Credit. Software that allows not only the frontloading of data by simply uploading the document issued by the Bank of Italy but which presents the first reader at national level of the Eurisc Credit Bureau managed by Crif. First software to have mapped the prejudicial elements present in the main databases in order to allow the full and free use of the MCC score even to SMEs without effort and through simple steps.
Appointed by national academies for the management and provision of in-depth courses on the analysis of data from the central risk office and the regulations on the corporate crisis, he consolidates the profile with ongoing consultancy to the main business infomation companies in the area national.
Partner and CEO of software development company, Lawis Srl, with particular reference to the development of innovative algorithms and API systems in GraphQl. Company providing system integration and serveless software design services with cloud based architectures.
Partner and coordinator of the projects of Alset Studio Srl, a communication, graphics and 3D content creation company on the other innovative profile with customers of primary importance and linked to the international market that develops platforms and videos using advanced and cutting-edge technologies.
Creator, promoter and coordinator of Collitude, a project that wants to integrate innovative projects into a supply chain designed for high performance that can raise money from subsidized financing and that are followed for the legal, consultancy, communication and development areas by the reality group. In the few months since its launch, it already boasts important names among customers.
Partner, co-founder and creator of Redigo Srl, a company shared with a group of consulting companies in Milan. Project linked to the automation of processes in the world of subsidized finance which aims to reduce the supply chain and the difficulties associated with obtaining European and state contributions dedicated to businesses. An ambitious project that aims to propose a process automation that reduces the processing time of reports related to the analysis of the subsidy market for business projects from about 16 hours of work to a few seconds.